CICLOCROSS | 08/12/2024 | 09:00
di Benjamin Le Goff
Cancellation risk: the Sardinian World Cup event is seriously at risk due to adverse weather conditions. In particular, sea winds are blowing at 70 km/h. The organizers are working to make the best decision, but in these conditions, racing seems truly impossible.
Definitely an unfortunate weekend for Crazy Wheels and PP Sport Events organizers, as last night they also had to deal with a fire, likely starting from the bar, which developed in the structure meant to host the entire race headquarters.

UPDATE AT 11:45 AM. Unfortunately, the cancellation of the World Cup event is official. The decision was made by mutual agreement between UCI executives, Flanders Classics, local organizers, and Cabras authorities: impossible, given the weather conditions, to even consider postponing the two scheduled races. Obviously, rider safety was put first, and therefore the stage was cancelled. Even according to Cabras residents, today's conditions are exceptional in terms of wind intensity, and unfortunately, they have hit the southern coast of the Island today.

ORGANIZERS' STATEMENT.  Due to the strong wind storm that hit Cabras, the Is Arutas beach, and the rest of Sardinia (gusts of 70/80 km/h), the decision was made to cancel the third stage of the UCI Cyclocross World Cup. The Local Organizing Committee, the Municipality of Cabras, Crazy Wheels, Flanders Classics, UCI, and security services agreed on this decision as the safety of riders, staff, volunteers, and the public could not be guaranteed.
Moreover, considering the weather forecast for the next few hours and sunset at 5 PM, it was not possible to postpone the two scheduled races (Elite Women and Elite Men). Ensuring the safety of athletes, fans, and all personnel remains the top priority. "It was exciting to work on preparing this great international event, characterized by a very complex organization, and it was important to work together with the Crazy Wheels sports association, all the wonderful volunteers, and the professional cycling world," said Cabras Mayor Andrea Abis. "The race was cancelled by UCI for athlete safety reasons due to the strong wind on the circuit.
Our thanks go to all those who worked tirelessly, and we want to reassure everyone: we believe strongly in this project that, beyond its sporting importance, centers a life philosophy and territorial promotion. The appointment is simply postponed to next year." "We are deeply sorry for the event's cancellation," said Luca Massa, President of Crazy Wheels.
"After months of hard work by the organizing committee and so much passion, we share the disappointment of all those who were eagerly awaiting this day, but the safety of athletes and the public remains our priority. However, this is not the end of our journey: we will return next year, stronger and more motivated than ever, backed by the positive feedback received from riders about the course's beauty, to offer you an even more extraordinary experience. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and understanding."
The organization has invested significant resources in preparing the event, well before the last-minute cancellation. Purchased tickets will be valid for the next edition of the event, already scheduled in Sardinia for 2025. However, those wishing to obtain a refund can request it by sending an email to by December 10, 2024, attaching a copy of the ticket and a valid identity document. The organization will process the refund by June 30, 2025.

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8 dicembre 2024 11:57 Bullet
Anche nei paesi da dove arriva il ciclocross spesso c'è vento forte e corrono. Che prendano la decisione giusta se no il 2024 per l'Italia diventa l'anno delle corse annullate.

8 dicembre 2024 16:13 stargate
Sono di Cagliari, dove il maestrale soffia spesso, per fortuna quasi sempre con raffiche lontane dall'intensità registrate oggi a Cabras. Posso assicurare che, quando se ne è investiti lateralmente, se le raffiche superano i 40-45 Km. orari, non è facile mantenere l'equilibrio. Posso solo immaginare cosa significhi andare in bici con raffiche di 70 km/h. (Alberto Pionca)

8 dicembre 2024 16:40 Stef83
Secondo te dovevano correre con il rischio che una transenna andasse addosso a qualcuno? Anche in Belgio anni fà fu annullata una prova di coppa per il forte vento. Possibile che bisogna sempre cercare la polemica?

Han fatto bene
8 dicembre 2024 18:02 Bullet
Ho scritto prendere la decisione giusta. Dopo le edizioni sulla neve con chi addirittura voleva portarla alle olimpiadi per poi passare in tutt'altra località sono curioso di vedere dove andranno il prossimo anno, gli unici che han capito come sfruttare la tappa di ciclocross sono stati gli spagnoli ma non si può dire immagino.

8 dicembre 2024 18:16 Hal3Al
come è digitare con un vento a 70 km/h ?

8 dicembre 2024 18:37 stargate
Bisogna fare molta attenzione, o lettere e numeri prendono il volo...

8 dicembre 2024 21:55 Stef83
Han fatto benissimo gli cosa centra con l'annullamento della gara di Cabras???

8 dicembre 2024 23:39 Bullet
In Spagna han creato una tappa che è già diventata un evento della stagione, da noi invece? Non doveva essere lo stesso con la val di sole in ottica nuovo sport olimpico ecc meglio non parlarne giusto.

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