POLITICA | 07/12/2024 | 16:32
di Alessandro Brambilla
Stefano Pedrinazzi will remain in office at least until December 2028. Pedrinazzi has been re-elected president of the Lombardy Regional Committee of the Italian Cycling Federation. The next Olympic four-year period will represent Pedrinazzi's second term at the helm of the Lombardy Committee. The Crema-based entrepreneur, born in April 1963, a former rider for prestigious teams like Unione Ciclistica Cremasca, Mecair Cormano, and Alimarket Rizzi, prevailed over Brianza native Gianluca Londoni, well-known among amateur cyclists. Stefano Pedrinazzi obtained 337 votes, against Londoni's 100.
The Lombardy electoral Assembly was held at the Devero hotel in Cavenago Brianza. Engineer Luigi Vidali was appointed Assembly President, with lawyer Pietro Giovanardi as "vice" and former professional cyclist Luca Colombo as secretary.
FCI President Cordiano Dagnoni, from Milan, intervened: it was at the Devero that Dagnoni was elected president of the Lombardy Regional Committee for the 2016-2020 period. Today at the Devero, Ruggero Cazzaniga, FCI vice-president, was also present.
Stefano Pedrinazzi opened the series of interventions with a welcome, then the floor was given to the FCI president: "I feel 8 years younger entering this room. It was the beginning of an important phase of my managerial career. I used to go to races proudly wearing the Lombardy jersey, a region that alone represents 25-30% of the movement. Lombardy is a reference for many regions. I wish the best to the two candidates for the Lombardy Committee presidency".
At the beginning of the Assembly, 267 societies were present, for a total of 412 votes, which is 70% of those entitled to vote. "The Assembly is regular," Vidali exclaimed. The members, prompted by Vidali, subsequently allowed the inclusion of 2 societies with formal defects and 11 that arrived late. Pedrinazzi was moved at the end of the voting and urged voters to elect vice-presidents and councilors from his team. As often happens, in the course of voting, the main winner's team prevailed.
Cinzia Ghisellini is the first woman to become vice-president of the Lombardy Committee: the manager obtained 309 votes and will be the new vice-president of the Lombardy Committee. She is a school principal, lives in Solbiate Olona, in the Varese area, and has gained experience in cycling with Unione Sportiva Legnanese.
Joining Cinzia as vice-president is lawyer Pietro Foroni, with 306 votes. Pietro is from Massalengo and has held managerial roles at the Pedale Casalese-Armofer society. Professionally, Pietro Foroni is CEO of FS Security, a State Railways company.
Bruno Cometti, with 86 votes, and Claudio Chiappucci, with 82, lost the electoral race for the "vice" position. The new "CRL" councilors are Debora Adele Gatti, Norma Fumagalli, Adriano Roverselli, and Claudio Roncalli.
The Assembly President also announced the names of Lombardy technicians who will participate in the national electoral assembly on January 19 in Fiumicino: Arif Messora, Stefano Cinerari, Luca Colombo. And here are the athletes who will vote for the national positions of the Olympic four-year period: Riccardo Cadei, Andrea Casadei, Luca Casadei, Fabio Colombo, Valter Groppi, Luisa Pasini, Giulia Bertoni, Chiara Colombo, Martino Pini, Elena Bissolati.
Various topics were discussed in the Assembly's backdrop. Among these, the situation of the Hopplà-Petroli Firenze team, which seriously risks closing down: although not a Lombardy society, the project involves technicians and elite and under-23 riders residing in the region.

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