CONTINENTAL | 06/12/2024 | 16:50
Passion is his driving force and motors are part of his life, but his professional four-wheeled side has not replaced the love for those two wheels ridden over the years and now followed with passion by supporting the movement. Also in 2025, Ambrogio Romanò and his System Cars will be alongside the Biesse Carrera Premac Team, a Brescia-based reality that sees the Continental team as its flagship, which the Meda company has supported since its first year of activity in 2022.
System Cars was founded in 1987 in Meda as an individual business by Ambrogio Romanò, specialized in 360-degree automotive services, and subsequently developed as a dealership (DR, EVO, and Mahindra) specializing in the buying and selling of new and used vehicles.
"Although already present in cycling with various team sponsorships and the Lombardy Regional FCI Committee" - Romanò recounts - "I was drawn into this project by Dario Nicoletti (one of the two team managers of the Continental formation, ed.), a long-time friend whom I respect, capable of bringing out the best in every rider. In this company, I know many competent people whom I esteem. I like the philosophy of growing one's young riders without haste, welcoming them from a very young age and giving them space and time to improve. I appreciate the sensitivity towards the young man even before the rider, and in my opinion, the Biesse Carrera Premac Team works very well".
Yes, the young: a trait d'union also with his company. "In System Cars, there are many young people whom I take and train in work, helping them grow alongside me, giving them trust, accepting some inevitable initial errors of inexperience and always improving in symbiosis. I prefer to choose young figures, a more fertile ground to try to share values I believe in".
Ambrogio and his love for cycling. "I started very young, this sport has shaped my character and my person; cycling gives you resilience, determination, teaches you that if you don't sow, you don't reap, and sometimes you don't bring home what you expect but continue to pursue it".
A well-known figure in the two-wheel world, where his long-standing friendships with two "champions" like Claudio Chiappucci and Gianni Bugno stand out. "With Claudio" - Romanò recounts - "we've known each other for thirty years, with Gianni a bit less, these are friendships born among bicycles, and I gladly remember evenings in the tavern talking, obviously, about cycling. I am truly a friend of the bicycle".

In the photo, from left: Simone Boifava (Team Biesse Carrera President), Ambrogio Romanò (System Cars), team manager Dario Nicoletti, and Davide Boifava

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