WOMEN | 06/12/2024 | 08:26
di Bibi Ajraghi
Federica Venturelli, a young star of Italian cycling, is among the six winners of the seventh edition of the "Women in Sport - The Best Student Athlete" competition, an award created by the Bracco Group to support and promote young athletes who combine sporting success with academic achievements. The winners are equally distributed between able-bodied athletes and Paralympic athletes.
This year, 361 girls registered for the competition who practice a competitive sport among those federated in the CONI and CIP domains and who achieved excellent academic results in the 2023/2024 school year. The average age of participants is 16 years, and in most cases, they attend scientific high school. Generally, 50.4% are of legal age and 49.6% are minors. There are ten macro-areas of sports disciplines represented in this seventh edition: athletics, swimming, dance, rowing, triathlon, artistic roller skating, taekwondo, equestrian, artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics. The most represented cities are Rome, Milan, and Turin, but the "map" of participation also sees good representation from Central and Southern cities, such as Varese, Vicenza, Bologna, Catania, Florence, Cagliari, and Cosenza. "The constant increase in participants in our competition fills us with pride," says Diana Bracco, President and CEO of the Bracco Group.
This year, we received 361 applications from athletes and Paralympic athletes from 55 different sports disciplines, with an academic average of 8.5. Knowing that there are so many talented girls, with truly admirable profiles in sports, study, and volunteering, gives us a picture of the best Italy, which overturns the traditional perspective of a youth world exclusively prey to discomfort and lack of ideals. I am absolutely convinced that sporting passion helps many boys and girls in life, and I firmly believe in the educational mission of sport as an antidote to violence." The awards ceremony, moderated by journalist Filippo Grassia, was held in the Teatrino of Palazzo Visconti in Milan, in the presence of institutional representatives and sports and life testimonials: Federica Picchi, Undersecretary for Sports, Lombardy Region, Claudia Giordani, CONI Vice President, Sabrina Gandolfi, RAI Sport Milano journalist, Caterina Banti, Olympic sailor, and Simone Barlaam, Paralympic swimmer.

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