POLITICS | 06/12/2024 | 08:08
Marco Selleri, organizer of the Cycling World Championships in Imola – Emilia-Romagna 2020, nine Italian championships from 2021 to 2023, and the rebirth of the Giro d'Italia Giovani U23 (2017-2022), has officially announced his candidacy for Vice-President of the Italian Cycling Federation for the 2025-2028 Olympic four-year period.
A well-known figure in the national cycling landscape, Selleri has gained extensive technical and relational experience, both nationally and internationally. From his years working for "Radiocorsa" to organizing World and Italian Championships, stage races (Giro d'Italia Giovani, Giro Pesca e Nettarina di Romagna, Tour de l'Avenir stages in Italy) and line races throughout the Peninsula, from North to South, Selleri has built continuous and collaborative relationships with the International Cycling Union, Italian public administrations, and teams, riders, and professionals involved in the world of cycling.
Today, Selleri is running to put his credibility and knowledge of national and international cycling dynamics at the service of those who will want and be able to gather around themselves the will for an innovative and pragmatic push. A man of concrete action and capable of innovation, Marco Selleri proposes himself for the role of Vice-President of the Italian Cycling Federation as a figure balancing innovative vision and operational capacity, to quickly implement ideas and projects that can support the growth of Italian cycling, starting from territories and grassroots levels up to major international events.
A candidacy that originates from the territory and looks to the future
Marco Selleri chose to announce his candidacy to the Regional Committee of Emilia-Romagna, consolidating his strong connection with his territory, although his organizational experiences in almost 10 Italian Regions, from Piedmont to Calabria, make Selleri a reference figure for Italian cycling. In a period where the bicycle is also a driving force for an epochal change in lifestyles and economic development, Selleri's candidacy is strongly technical, starting from the desire to make a significant turn in the federal and territorial cycling system in Italy.
"In recent years," Selleri declared, "I have experienced cycling from multiple perspectives: organizer, manager, but also a careful observer of sports and federal dynamics. This experience has allowed me to identify the critical issues holding back our movement, starting from the lack of generational turnover and the stagnation of ideas." The priorities that, according to Marco Selleri, should be at the center of federal activity in the next four years range from rejuvenating the cycling movement by adopting modern approaches in sync with the social and economic transformations of which the bicycle is a protagonist, to promoting youth cycling and collaboration among organizers and in territories - fundamental synergies according to Selleri, who has gained decades of experience with over 40 stages of the Giro d'Italia Giovani and those of the Tour de l'Avenir organized in Italy. No less important is the hope for a Federation with a strategic vision for a concrete and pragmatic approach in every area, including Italy's new role in the international cycling landscape: "We are no longer leaders in this sport. It is therefore fundamental to acknowledge this and participate in global discussions, in a way that interprets cycling's change, rather than suffering it as is already happening." Selleri presents himself at the federal elections on January 19, 2025, with the energy and determination that have always distinguished him. "Change does not happen by itself; we must push forcefully towards renewal, as we did with the Under 23 Giro, transforming ideas into concrete realities. Now more than ever, it is necessary to change direction to restore Italian cycling to its protagonist role."

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