TEAMS | 05/12/2024 | 08:05
di Mirko Monti
On a splendid late autumn day, the G.S. Madonna del Ghisallo gathered at the La Madonnina Restaurant in Cogliate (a name, a guarantee) to celebrate and properly close this 2024, both in the sporting, cultural, and financial sense.
It was also the occasion, statutorily, to proceed with the election of the new Board in FCI quota that will accompany the Sports Group in the next Olympic Quadrennium. The day began quite early with the celebration of a Mass at the adjacent "little church" of the Madonna di Marzo and the blessing of the Iridescent Jersey of Paracycling champion Chiara Colombo (Mixed Tandem Team Sprint Elite) won last March in Rio de Janeiro. A suggestive and important ceremony as this jersey will then be displayed "vitanaturaldurante" inside the Sanctuary of Magreglio.
During the convivial gathering, which began with a moment of thought towards Mario Begni, Fiorenzo Zanotta, and Luigi Curioni (three pillars who have reached the Madonna to whom they gave so much), the ceremony of presenting the "Bartali and Coppi Gold Water Bottle" (3rd edition) to Ennio Vanotti took place. Ennio, somewhat emotional, thanked by remembering the many years spent in the professional ranks serving many champions, especially "Gibi" Baronchelli (who is also the Honorary President of the Ghisallo Association).
Framing the event were the winners of the first two editions (Mario Lanzafame and Alessandro Pozzi), President Lino Basilico, the award creators Bruno Carraro and Fiorenzo Andreatta, as well as the indestructible Olympic Champion Marino Vigna. Obviously, the official ceremony for recognizing the world champion from Eupilio (Co) Chiara Colombo was not missed (an artistic jacquard silk picture depicting the Sanctuary of Madonna del Ghisallo and a work of the former Setificio Como Allievi, excellence of Como silk entrepreneurship) presented by Lino Basilico and FCI Como President Arif Messora. The same special recognition was given to Stefano Allocchio (RCS Organization Director) for his always true and courteous availability towards the Sports Group.
Framing all these presentations: Antonio Molteni (President of the Ghisallo Museum Foundation), Antonio Terragni (President of Pol. Ghisallo) who will also be the bearers, towards the Begni and Curioni families, of a small memento from the Group, while for Fiorenzo Zanotta, it was the Vice President Giovanna Facchinetti who directly handed his son Stefano the association's thought. "Dulcis in fundo": Bruno Carraro and Fiorenzo Andreatta handed over Vito Favero's Yellow wool jersey "Tour de France 1958" (obtained directly from the Favero family) and the official Luna Rossa Jersey signed by the member and "Cyclor" (former professional athlete) Paolo Simion, which will also be positioned in the Sanctuary, especially Vito's. Following the result of the Assembly voting for the new Board: President Carlo Ballabio (practically unanimously), Vice President Giovanna Facchinetti Patelli, Vice President Dr. Gianluca Monguzzi, Councilors (in alphabetical order): Fiorenzo Andreatta, Lino Basilico, Luca Lainati, Virgilio Riva (these for FCI affiliation). Moreover, and certainly no less important, in fact quite the opposite, because they will work (hard as they have always done) in the territory: Gianni Catelli, Angelo Cattaneo, Claudio Monti, Carlo Ottolina, Sergio Saibeni, Angelo Santambrogio, Antonio Terragni. Final word to the newly elected President, Carlo Ballabio, who thanked for the trust placed in him with the commitment he will certainly have to put in to continue the tradition of something magical that perpetually envelops the Group, the Sanctuary, the Museum, the community of Magreglio with its mayor Danilo Bianchi first and foremost, and Rector Don Giovanni Giovannoni.

photo by Carlo Ottolina - Ciclismo in rosa

Copyright © TBW
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