PROFESSIONISTI | 03/12/2024 | 11:58
di Francesca Monzone
Remco Evenepoel was involved in a training accident this morning while riding on the roads of Belgium. The two-time Olympic champion and world time trial champion was taken to hospital after colliding with a Bpost van. The accident occurred in Oetingen, in Flemish Brabant: according to HNL journalists, Evenepoel was training alone and could not avoid an open door. According to several witnesses, during the rescue Evenepoel was wrapped in a blanket to keep him warm: nothing is known at the moment about the circumstances of the accident or the consequences for Evenepoel. His wife Oumi was with him, following him in a car while he was cycling and promptly recovered his unmistakable golden bike, broken in two. "Remco has been transferred to Erasmus Hospital in Anderlecht," said dad Patrick Evenepoel to HLN. "We must wait and see what the report will be. We are going to the hospital."

UPDATE AT 1:15 PM. According to Nieuwsblad journalists, Remco Evenepoel was transferred from Erasmus Hospital in Anderlecht to Herentals Hospital for further medical checks, which should concern a shoulder. At the hospital, a clavicle fracture was confirmed, fortunately without shoulder displacement: it would be an angulation or curvature. At Herentals Hospital, a plate will be placed in the clavicle, which should allow him to get back on the bike faster. Depending on the pain, the procedure could be performed within a few days. The first reconstructions come from Bart Keurslager, owner of the shop in front of which the accident occurred. "Remco was on the ground for a while," explained Bart Keurslager. "He curled up a bit after the fall, and it was clear he had taken a hard hit. The postal van door was completely bent. The bicycle was completely broken, they bent it and carried it away like a wheelchair. When I went to take a look, he was pale as a dead man, and the rescuers gave him a Coca-Cola. His wife Oumi was here when the rescuers arrived." Fan support arrived immediately, and Remco Evenepoel's entire club was set in motion, certain that everything would be fine. "Remco has already recovered from much more serious accidents, so I trust in a quick recovery," said Dirk Coppens representing the Schepdaal club. "We hope he can return to the saddle soon and that everything will be fine. But we don't know that yet. This evening there should be a meeting of the fan club board, and Remco's father, Patrick, is president. We hope to have news soon."

UPDATE AT 1:22 PM. Belgian newspapers write of a clavicle fracture for Remco, although further investigations are currently underway. Just before 1 PM, Bpost decided to issue a press release, expressing regret for the incident and wishing Evenepoel a quick recovery. "The postal worker was extremely shocked by the accident. We confirm that this morning an accident occurred involving a Bpost vehicle and cyclist Remco Evenepoel. Unfortunately, we cannot discuss the details of the accident, but it is obvious that the postal worker driving the vehicle and Bpost are fully cooperating with the investigation. Police arrived at the scene to make the necessary checks. The postal worker also remained at the scene until Remco was taken to the hospital and is extremely affected by the accident. We wish Remco a quick recovery and hope that the consequences for him will be minimized."

UPDATE AT 3:39 PM. According to witnesses who witnessed the accident in the municipality of Oetingen, in Flemish Brabant, Remco Evenepoel was proceeding with his bike towards Kerkplein at a speed of no less than 40 km/h when a Bpost van stopped in front of him and opened its door. The Belgian rider could not avoid the door and hit it head-on. VTM journalists who arrived on the scene together with Nieuwsblad journalists tried to collect testimonies from the postal worker, who however preferred to remain silent, explaining that she was not allowed to make statements. The section of road where Evenepoel had the accident is where the Gooikse Pijl is run. On this slightly downhill section, speeds of 70 km/h are reached during the race.

UPDATE AT 4:09 PM. We receive the Soudal Quick Step press release, which reads: "Following an accident that occurred today during training, Remco Evenepoel was taken to hospital where it emerged that he has fractures to the rib, right shoulder and right hand. Remco was taken to Erasmus Hospital in Anderlecht shortly after the accident, where he was initially evaluated. He will now go to Herentals Hospital, where, together with the Soudal Quick-Step medical staff, his injuries will be further evaluated and his recovery path will be decided. We wish him a speedy recovery!"

UPDATE AT 8:15 PM. Soudal Quick Step issued a new statement after the visits Evenepoel underwent at Herentals Hospital. As previously reported, Remco has fractures to the ribs, right shoulder and hand. Examinations also revealed bruising on both lungs and a clavicle dislocation. The clavicle will be operated on this evening and, if the operation is successful, Remco will be able to leave the hospital tomorrow. Afterwards, two weeks of immobilization will be necessary, after which a plan for his return to training can be developed. Updates in progress.

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3 dicembre 2024 12:32 fido113
Annamo bene.......

3 dicembre 2024 12:39 fransoli
Non solo in Italia... Purtroppo le strade per i ciclisti sono pericolose ovunque .. auguri di pronta guarigione a remco perche c' è bisogno di tutti i protagonisti al top

Molto sfortunato
3 dicembre 2024 14:03 Bullet
I corrieri e la calma non vanno mai d'accordo oltre che in Italia sotto periodo covid sul retro dei furgoni di una nota compagnia c'erano pure adesivi verso i ciclisti lasciamo perdere va...c'è da dire che in quanto a incidenti questo ragazzo non è molto fortunato, speriamo si riprenda presto, buona guarigione.

Tu come noi
3 dicembre 2024 14:17 pagnonce
Siamo sempre nel mirino da giovanissimi a professionisti da semplici pedalatori a cicloamatori.Remco non mollare in questo momento siamo tutti con te.Buona ripresa.

Dalla dinamica
3 dicembre 2024 16:49 Àaaaaaa
Dalla dinamica e' colpa sua, visto che ha tamponato il mezzo. Auguri di pronta guarigione !!

3 dicembre 2024 17:48 Beffa195
Forse è meglio che rileggi la dinamica nn ha tamponato ma ha sbattuto contro la portiera aperta improvvisamente

3 dicembre 2024 18:04 Bullet
Prima di aprire la portiera da posteggiati bisogna guardare lo specchietto o adesso è anche colpa del ciclista che non è abbastanza acrobata da saltarla con una piroetta, robe da matti.

3 dicembre 2024 18:26 Hal3Al
mi auguro che Lei sia migliore come automobilista rispetto alla sua scrittura.
Lo sanno anche i sassi che prima di aprirela portiera si guarda nello specchietto,proprio per evitare questi incidenti,che purtroppo possono avvenire comunque...e se anche fosse colpa sua cosa significa? Arrangiati e stai zitto.

3 dicembre 2024 19:08 stargate
Nei Paesi Bassi insegnano ai conducenti ad aprire lo sportello con la mano destra, così debbono per forza ruotare il busto e, di conseguenza, vedere che succede dietro il loro mezzo. Quanti lo facciano, non lo so, ma è una mossa intelligente. (Alberto Pionca)

Che dice Van Aert?
4 dicembre 2024 00:07 pickett
Se non ricordo male faceva dell'ironia sulla pericolosità delle strade lombarde.

Italia 1
4 dicembre 2024 15:15 rufus
Segnalo che oggi a Sport Mediaset hanno detto che " il ciclista belga ha urtato lo sportello aperto di un furgone", ovviamente omettendo di dire che lo sportello non si e' magicamente aperto da solo, ma qualcuno lo ha aperto senza accertarsi che non ci fosse nessuno. Forse a Italia 1 e' meglio che continuino a occuparsi di calcio e formula Uno.

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Se non sei registrato clicca qui.

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