VUELTA | 02/12/2024 | 10:30
di Bibi Ajraghi
Great cycling seems to have truly found its home in Piedmont: after the Grand Start of the Giro d'Italia from Venaria Reale and two stages of the first historic Tour de France 2024 starting from Italy, now it's the Vuelta España's turn, with its 80th edition set to start on Saturday, August 23rd from the Venaria Palace.
After months of meetings and negotiations with Javier Guillén, the race director, the Region has decided to continue betting on cycling given the positive economic and image returns: an investment of several million euros that has guaranteed excellent results.
The data on these returns will be presented today at the Regional skyscraper along with the four stages of the Vuelta. "Investing in major events means attracting tourists but, above all, bringing Piedmont into world vision," explains regional president Alberto Cirio. "Cycling is perfect because it has millions of fans worldwide who follow races on TV and can, by watching the stage images, admire the landscapes and beauties of the territories they cross. Bringing here the most prestigious international races in the world means bringing our cities, our hills, and our mountains into the homes of viewers worldwide, an extraordinary showcase to attract tourists from every part of the world."
The Vuelta curtain will most likely rise on the 21st with the team presentation. Saturday, August 23rd, everyone in the saddle: from the Savoyard complex of Venaria, the caravan will parade towards the city where the Km zero will be positioned to reach Novara. The second day, August 24th, has been defined as the "wine stage" from Alba to Limone Piemonte, crossing Langhe, Monferrato, and Roero. "Both to give a bit of mountain and spectacular landscape to the race - highlight the organizers - and to lend a hand to the Limone community, which in recent years has been severely hit by bad weather and delays in the construction of the Tenda tunnel."
The day after, the third stage will again enter the heart of Turin with a start in San Maurizio Canavese and arrival in Ceres, in Val di Lanzo, with an uphill finish. On August 26th, the riders will jump in the saddle in Susa and head towards France, from where they will then reach Spain.
"The choice to bring the grand start of the Vuelta to our region is like a symbolic handshake between tradition and the future, between our glorious past and the vision towards new goals," analyzes the Sports and Tourism Councilor, Marina Chiraelli, in a statement given to La Stampa. "Hosting major events is never just a matter of visibility. It's about the ability to build a solid system, to maintain what has been conquered."

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2 dicembre 2024 12:06 Bullet
Il ciclismo, mi pare evidente, ormai sia gestito come un veicolo pubblicitario ma dell'attività in se non so a chi interessi per davvero e questo nonostante abbiamo delle corse in Italia che per bellezza e storia ne avremmo più che a sufficienza ma forse, penso io, anche il turista italiano conta poco ormai. Curioso di vedere il percorso che passa in zone che conosco però, come per il Tour, e viste le difficoltà del nostro ciclismo, compresa una possibile vendita all'estero del Giro come se non ci fossero fondi perché resti italiano, ne avrei fatto a meno.

2 dicembre 2024 13:46 Claude60
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di Bibi Ajraghi
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