LIBRI | 02/12/2024 | 08:10
di Marco Pastonesi
She was her friend: "I loved getting lost in Belgrade by bike, my main means of transportation, which is why my mother still tells me I have Maradona's calves". It was her salvation: "Like in the spring marked by the '99 bombing. The carnival-like atmosphere we experienced was also thanks to two-wheeled transport. With Kristina, we would go out in the morning, when the air raid sirens were silent, and stay out until 7:30 PM, when the curfew began", "Our bike rides were occasionally interrupted by sirens announcing the entry of enemy planes into Yugoslav territory". It was her life: "After the first two weeks spent in my basement, we decided to go out. Resilience is a strange characteristic of human beings that reveals we are capable of getting used to anything. Soon, mechanisms of normality and routine were reproduced, necessary for mental survival. Cycling around was part of my normality in the bubble of absurdity that surrounded us".
Marina Lalovic's bike. Forty years old, a journalist for Rainews24, in "The Cicada of Belgrade" (Bottega Errante Edizioni, 152 pages, 17 euros, preface by Giorgio Zanchini, afterword by Gigi Riva) tells her first life: born a year after Tito's death, she was nine when Yugoslavia began to divide between Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Kosovo, eleven when the siege of Sarajevo began and fifteen when it ended, fourteen when the Srebrenica massacre occurred, and nineteen when she left Serbia for Italy to study and seek, invent, build a new existence. The bicycle, in those first extremely hard years, was her accomplice and witness: to go to the Sava and Danube, "synonyms of Belgrade's nightlife", "Our generation, grown up in the '90s, went to the rivers to ride bicycles or dance", or to go to the "25 May Sports Center, in the lowest part of the Dorcol neighborhood, created to celebrate Youth Day in former Yugoslavia", "In the last stretch, on Tadeusa Koscuska Street, you could experience the full beauty of the bike: a huge descent under an overpass that leads straight to the most beautiful stretch of the Danube promenade", or to venture "into the Zemun neighborhood: the quintessential Austro-Hungarian Belgrade. It was like momentarily stepping outside our borders, leaving the war behind".
Lalovic argues that even in a new story, and in a new geography, the bicycle is always perfect: "Getting lost in Belgrade is an activity that has evolved over time, also thanks to the expansion of the coast along the Danube", "Today, following the bank next to the 25 May, you can reach Ada Ciganlija, passing by one of the city's typical postcards composed of the Cathedral of Saint Archangel Michael and the Kalemegdan Fortress". "The Cicada of Belgrade", between diary and autobiography, between guide and essay, is a journey - also on pedals - not only inside the author but also inside us. Us Italians. At a distance (but not really) of physical and economic security, perhaps distracted or perhaps unaware and ignorant, fatalists until we bump into something. Or inside. Like in these pages.

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