PISTA | 01/12/2024 | 08:14
The UCI Track Champions League 2024 has given us another spectacular night of racing thanks to the second of two stages in Apeldoorn, Netherlands. At the end of this weekend's races, Katie Archibald, Dylan Bibic, Harrie Lavreysen, and Alina Lysenko defended their leader jerseys.
Nearly 6,500 spectators packed the Omnisport Apeldoorn during the double event this weekend, and last night they applauded Alina Lysenko's extraordinary performance, winning both the Sprint and Keirin races for the second consecutive night and becoming the first athlete in the event's history to win five consecutive races. Harrie Lavreysen and Ellesse Andrews had won four consecutive races at the beginning of last season, but the young Russian beat their shared record and now has a 29-point lead in the Women's Sprint League on the eve of the last two rounds.
Katie Archibald continued to reign at the top of the women's endurance classification. A 12th place in the Scratch race was certainly not an ideal start, but the British rider roared back with a splendid victory in the Elimination race. The Scratch race was won by Petra Ševčíková (Czech Republic), who thus secured her first-ever victory in the UCI Track Champions League.
Dylan Bibic maintained his advantage in the men's endurance tournament despite not winning any of the races scheduled last night, but he has only a nine-point lead over Danish rider Tobias Aagard Hansen. Aagard's victory over Bibic in the men's elimination race means the rivals have two wins each and sets the stage for a great battle next week for the title. Earlier, debutant Peter Moore (USA) secured a brilliant victory in the men's Scratch race.
In the men's Sprint, Matthew Richardson and Harrie Lavreysen shared the spoils, with the Dutchman winning the Sprint at home but being swept away by his British rival in the Keirin. Only five points separate the pair ahead of the double-header in London: it will truly be a spectacular showdown for the final victory.

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