TABLET | 30/11/2024 | 21:40
di tuttobiciweb

The new issue of tuttoBICI, the DECEMBER 2024 edition, has arrived! The 132nd digital issue of tuttoBICI is available in virtual newsstands. For over ten years now, we have said goodbye to paper, goodbye to newsstands: tuttoBICI was the first to enter the new digital era and will continue on this path, looking towards an important future, just like the past.

tuttoBICI is ready to download from the Apple App Store. The DECEMBER 2024 issue is available for purchase (at the address http://itunes.apple.com/it/app/tuttobici/id455233479?mt=8). The prices, set by Apple, are very interesting: one issue at 4.49 €; three months 11.99 €; 6 months at 21.99 €; one year at 39.99 €).

Additionally, the magazine with Android support is also available for purchase on tablets with that type of support. It is also possible to subscribe to an annual subscription. Here is the link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.paperlit.android.tuttobici

And of course, there is the possibility to purchase it in the BROWSABLE version, ready to read on any computer.

To complete our offer, you can purchase and read tuttoBICI on your smartphone as well.

The cover story of this issue is actually dedicated to the two winners of the most prestigious tuttoBICI Oscars of 2024, namely Jonathan Milan, best professional, and Elisa Longo Borghini, best elite woman. We met with them for a long chat, reviewing their season and exploring their ambitions for the next year and beyond.

And the tuttoBICI Oscar is dedicated to a large part of this issue, with a story - in words and images - of a truly spectacular Oscar Night. And then with interviews with Marco Villa, best technician, Edoardo Zamperini and Sergio Meris, winners respectively in the Under 23 and Elite categories.

The "Courageous Captains" column this month is dedicated to Alberto Sorbini, the CEO of Enervit, a company founded 70 years ago by his father Paolo. With him, we took a journey through the world of nutritional supplements and beyond, through products and champions from all sports who have chosen Enervit in their careers.

Finally, we offer an interview with a special character like Delio Gallina, who celebrated 60 years of his company, supporting young cyclists from day one. Patron Delio talked to us about handing over to his son Marco, but also about many projects he still wants to realize. Then the columns, opinions, technique, and many other insights.

Just a few simple "touches" on your tablets and the reading will be immediate. Enjoy!


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