NEWS | 30/11/2024 | 08:12
di Giorgia Monguzzi
Two cyclists are the winners of the Venetian of the Year Award, a precious and coveted recognition with almost fifty years of history. Alberto Fiorin and Dino Facchinetti, these are the names of the award recipients, were the protagonists of an incredible feat a few months ago, riding their bicycles and covering thousands of kilometers over 100 days of travel. Certainly, they were driven by a great passion for cycling, but above all, the desire to pay homage to a great Venetian: Marco Polo.

At the beginning of the year, we had told you about the project of Facchinetti and Fiorin, two cyclists registered with the Venetian cycling club, who wanted to pay tribute to their fellow citizen Marco Polo 700 years after his death by doing something very special. The feat that emerged was not only exceptional but unique in its kind; the two enthusiasts, aged 64 and 67 respectively, pedaled to the other side of the world, retracing the Venetian explorer's journey along the Silk Road. The departure took place on April 25, the feast day of San Marco, patron of Venice, and they arrived in Beijing on August 1st, exactly 100 days later and with over 10,000 kilometers under their belts. In between, many countries crossed, many cultures, but above all, a passion for cycling and the pride of completing a special tribute.

After the pride and emotion for Alberto Fiorin and Dino Facchinetti, an important recognition now arrives. The Venetian of the Year Award was established in 1978 to pay tribute to people and entities who have committed to spreading the name and prestige of Venice; in various editions, it has been awarded to politicians, associations, and entertainment personalities. This time, two cycling enthusiasts are being celebrated "For having contributed to spreading, on the 700th anniversary of Marco Polo's death, the name and prestige of Venice in the most remote Eurasian regions, retracing the Silk Road that leads from the ancient lagoon capital to Beijing, pedaling for one hundred days without assistance, for over ten thousand kilometers, through archaic rural landscapes, old and new metropolises, and inhospitable desert steppes, across thirteen different nations" as stated in the motivation accompanying the award.

The award ceremony will take place in January 2025 in the special setting of the Gran Teatro La Fenice, and with Alberto Fiorin and Dino Facchinetti, cycling will be the great protagonist.

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