MERCATO | 28/11/2024 | 14:04
di Francesca Monzone
Now it's official: Maxim van Gils is no longer a Lotto-Dstny rider. All parties have reached an agreement and the contract resolution has been signed. At this point, only the final UCI approval is awaited, and the Flemish rider will then be able to choose the team he will race with in the new season. The latest news saw the Astana offer in first place, followed by Red Bull – Bora Hansgrohe, but in recent hours a proposal has also arrived from the Ineos Grenadiers, which seems to be very interested in the Belgian rider.
Most likely during the weekend or even this evening, it will be possible to know the name of the team with which the Flemish rider will race. Lotto-Dstny has issued a press release officially announcing the contract resolution and wishing Van Gols all the best for his promising career.
There are also statements from Stephane Heulot, CEO of Lotto-Dstny: "Maxim entered our team as a talented young rider and is one of the great examples of our work to give young cyclists the opportunity to help them grow and become the best possible athletes. Today, it's a shame to part ways, but we have reached a mutual agreement with Maxim and his management A&J All Sports, and I'm happy that we can now close this case. If this change will make him happier and help him continue to grow, we will not obstruct his path. We will continue to seek out young talents and guide them, because it is one of the founding values of our team".
Also Maxim Van Gils wanted to make a statement, considering the strong bond with the team that has seen him grow over the past 7 years. The Belgian has achieved many results in the last season, and certainly Lotto-Dstny has played an important role in his development. "Seven years is quite a long time, I have really many pleasant memories with the team. I am super grateful to Lotto Dstny for giving me the opportunity to become a professional, and it is thanks to this team and its sponsors that I was able to grow and become the rider I am today. I will always remember this period with a big smile: even though next year I will race with a different jersey, I will never forget my second family, that is Lotto Dstny".

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di Francesca Monzone
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