REPORTAGE | 24/11/2024 | 16:00
di Giulia De Maio
An opportunity not to be missed to learn, explore, discover, have fun, and celebrate. The annual Openhouse XPC 2024 event, which took place today in Reggio Emilia at the Beltrami TSA headquarters, gave many two-wheel enthusiasts the chance to preview all the 2025 brand novelties and provided them the opportunity to learn how to use them, as well as participate in interactive activities and applaud today's and tomorrow's champions.

An experience where we got hands-on with all the innovations of the brands distributed in Italy by Beltrami TSA, namely Almsthre, Argon 18, Black Inc, BMZ, Ceramicspeed, Corima, Epica Sport, Factor, Feedback Sports, Hammerhead, Health Through Sport, Hutchinson, JetBlack, Juice Lubes, Jeywim, Lezyne, Marin, Miche, Muc-Off, Pedal Plate, Quarq, Rauler, Rockshox, Sram, Santa Madre, Sigma, Time, Tufo, Truvativ and Zipp. Suppliers and representatives of some of these companies organized workshops and open practical demonstrations to illustrate the technical characteristics of the products. Industry experts and professionals shared their experience and offered interesting insights for the future. How is a new product developed? What are carbon fiber composites? How should a nutritional strategy be planned before a race? What treatments does my bike need? These are just some of the questions that found answers in content-rich workshops, where there was also room for good humor, brought by the sketch of Zelig comedian Davide Dal Fiume.

While the adults returned to the classroom, convinced that learning never stops, outside the company the youngest had fun challenging themselves with the second edition of the cycling gymkhana game organized in collaboration with the Cavriago company led by Cristina Benini. They were then among the protagonists of the 2024 season awards ceremony of the FCI Reggio Emilia provincial committee chaired by Marco Guidetti. To conclude, there was space for the Beltrami TSA Awards and a talk show hosted by Gianluca Giardini with former pro Francesco Casagrande and Bruno Reverberi, who presented his book "My First 80 Years". In the region that, along with Tuscany and Piedmont, hosted the Grand Departure of the Tour de France this year, it was revealed by the undersecretary to the presidency of the Emilia Romagna Regional Board Gianmaria Manghi that the 2025 Giro d'Italia will arrive with a stage in Castelnovo ne' Monti, and then depart the next day from Modena.
"Among the novelties in our product catalog, I want to highlight the gem from Almsthre, a San Diego-based company that produces bikepacking bags with a modern design, but all our brands are carefully selected and can boast very interesting items that complement the services offered by the bike shop (those 'moved' by Beltrami TSA, i.e., served at least once a year, are more than 2000, ed.) - Graziano Beltrami told us during the now-traditional open day of the family company, which since 2019 has also been running the namesake Continental team. - Training is fundamental for us, in fact beyond this event, we organize weekly SRAM and Ceramic Speed update courses in person for 3-4 clients and webinars with an integrated camera system for 40-50 people".

In addition to discovering the latest trends and innovations in our sector, this Sunday was also a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the Beltrami TSA world, ask questions directly to suppliers and experience the first of two days focused on innovation and cycling. Tomorrow, in fact, the "party" continues with the second day dedicated exclusively to retailers.

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