STORIA | 23/11/2024 | 10:04
di Pier Augusto Stagi
With Ernesto Colnago, it's a continuous journey, into the past and the future. At ninety-two years old (he'll be 93 on February 9th!) he's a true condensation of creativity. He always has something to do, even now that he has left his Colnago in good hands (Nicola Rosin, ed.) and he, "The Master" allows himself and enjoys a well-deserved but very active retirement. "Make sure you're at my place at 5:15 pm", it's useless to tell him that perhaps it's a bit early, that the Carera brothers' party in Erbusco starts at 8 pm. He can't contain himself: his protégé, Tadej Pogacar, is waiting for him. "Eh, ciula (Lombard interjection, very Milanese), I can't possibly arrive late, he has so many things to do...", he tells me.

We leave calmly and calmly arrive at the "QI Clubbing" in Erbusco a couple of hours early. "Better this way, we've avoided traffic and can chat a bit by the grace of God". Ernesto is a treasure chest of memories and curiosities. He asks, inquires, and wants to know about the young riders animating cycling today. "They ride very well today: it's truly a beautiful generation. A cycling that conquers hearts. Is there someone who turns up their nose and has something to say? They don't know cycling, they can't recognize a diamond from a river stone".

We're stopped in the car, calm as few, but Ernesto travels with his memory. "I often talk about it with Eddy, Taddeo is exceptional, he does things no one has done. He has a class and an unusual lightness: don't they have eyes to see?", he exclaims with passion. He's brought six jerseys to get autographed by Taddeo: "They're for my great friends, all top entrepreneurs", in truth, he also has a beautiful two-meter painting to get autographed: it's for the museum.

The first guests start arriving, the parking lot slowly fills. Rino and Ronny Baron greet us, father and son with cycling in their blood: one a great masseur for Argentin and Padova Calcio, the other a top mechanic for UAE Emirates. Seeing Ernesto there is a reason for surprise and joy for them, they rub their eyes. Am I dreaming or awake? They welcome him like a king. It's the right moment: it's only 7 pm, but we enter. The track is already ready, the lights too, Luca Gregorio and Justin Mattera are doing rehearsals, the music is already blasting. I turn, Ernesto is already there doing selfies and autographs: he's not dancing, but he's a blast. He looks like Tony Manero in Saturday Night Fever, even though it's Friday.

Minutes pass and the room fills up in a flash: Ernesto is the guest of honor. The who's who of cycling and bicycle entrepreneurship are here, and he, the Master, finds himself in a whirlwind of hands and flashes surrounding him with affection. Occasionally he calls me: "keep an eye on the painting and jerseys...", this is his primary concern, second only to "when is Taddej arriving?..." Taddeo arrives around 7:30 pm, goes to the area reserved for journalists and television. A private space to talk more calmly with the world's number one. Ernesto and Tadej embrace, whisper something to each other, the noise is crazy: we're still in a nightclub, after all. "He told me he's sorry he can't exchange a few words calmly, but I'm happy to have greeted and seen him well. He signed everything, even the painting": the master is satisfied and tells this to Urška Žigar, his girlfriend, who speaks a bit of Italian. "She's a wonderful girl, you can see they love each other, they're a beautiful couple. An athlete's success comes from the balance established at home, in intimacy. And they are perfect because they share the same passion: they are athletes, they are riders. I always understood my Vincenzina instantly, there was no need for many words", he explains to me. (Continua nel prossimo messaggio per limiti di lunghezza)]

Copyright © TBW
Caro Colnago
23 novembre 2024 14:46 Angliru
Caro Colnago, chi magari storce il naso magari ha pareri diversi. E non significa non capire niente. Si chiama rispetto delle opinioni degli altri. Grazie

Alla fine
23 novembre 2024 15:26 Albertone
Alla fine e' un racconto bis della serata di Pogacar, con il solito paragone che leggo da mesi tra Eddy e Tadej.

23 novembre 2024 17:17 Giovanni c
Da sempre e' stato un'innovatore, che ha fatto scuola. Su questo ciclismo moderno ho qualche dubbio, soprattutto sul fatto che un atleta e' spesso sempre piu' simile ad un robot : misuratori di potenza, radio, mille ritiri, tende per ossigeno e via dicendo. E in questo, ci leggo poco di romantico e umano. E non credo di non saper distinguere un diamante da una pietra, caro Ernesto.

2 cose
23 novembre 2024 17:26 Bullet
Mi son letto di questa bella festa e di un signore che, in modo candido esattamente com'è stato raccontato, legge il ciclismo moderno con gli occhi del passato e mi chiedo se siamo noi, o meglio io per non allargare la cosa, che fatico a esaltarmi di fronte a tanta superiorità o è perché questo signore è rimasto a un certo ciclismo senza chiedersi se oggi possa essere diverso il che vuol dire avere una grandissima passione intatta che non lascia spazio a dubbi sull'idea che ci si è fatti e ciò anche in altri contesti ha una sua forza per non perdere mai la propria strada. Comunque la seconda cosa che ho pensato leggendo questo resoconto è come ci siano così tanti nomi di spicco tra sponsor e personalità in una festa in cui si parla di ciclismo ma in Italia non si trova un grosso sponsor per fare una squadra di peso...misteri italiani.

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di Pier Augusto Stagi
Con Ernesto Colnago è un continuo viaggio, nel passato e nel futuro. A novantadue anni suonati (il 9 febbraio saranno 93!) è un vero condensato di progettualità. Ha sempre qualcosa da fare, anche adesso che ha lasciato la sua Colnago...

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