MERCATO | 29/08/2024 | 11:02
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Il quarto nome nuovo per la Lidl Trek del 2025 è quello di Niamh Fisher-Black. Il team americano ha annunciato poco fa di aver raggiunto un accordo triennale con la 24enne atleta neozelandese vincitrice della tappa di Toano nell’ultima edizione del Giro d’Italia Women.

Professionista dal 2020, Niamh, ha conquistato il titolo iridato U23 su strada a Wollongong nel 2022 e nel suo curriculum può vantare anche una affermazione di tappa alla Setmana Valenciana, la vittoria nella quarta tappa del Tour de Suisse 2023 e il titolo nazionale neozelandese su strada.

«La Lidl-Trek è una squadra che mi ha sempre attratto, ammiro il loro stile di corsa aggressivo e la loro professionalità evidente anche all’esterno del team. Nei miei primi colloqui con la squadra sono rimasta colpita dal loro approccio e dagli obiettivi. Qui ci sono atlete davvero molto forti, sono entusiasta di entrare a far parte della squadra» ha dichiarato Fisher-Black.

Poi ha aggiunto: La priorità per la prossima stagione è ambientarmi rapidamente di costruire buoni rapporti con le mie compagne, gareggiare poi sarà semplice. Voglio aiutare la squadra a raggiungere i suoi obiettivi e a livello personale voglio continuare il mio percorso di crescita. Non vedo l’ora di testarmi nelle corse a tappe puntando alla classifica generale, magari iniziando con gare a tappe più brevi per poi passare ai Grandi Giri. So che dovrò lavorare tanto e che le sfide saranno molte, ma sono fiduciosa che in Lidl-Trek troverò l’ambiente giusto per fare bene. Sono grata a Lidl Trek per aver creduto in me come ciclista e prevedo che arriveranno davvero delle belle annate».

Il Team Manager di Lidl Trek Luca Guercilena ha dichiarato «Niamh è un talento straordinario con un brillante futuro davanti a sé. Siamo rimasti colpiti dal suo sviluppo finora ed è ansiosa di proseguire su questa strada. Noi di Lidl-Trek ci impegniamo a fornirle l'ambiente e le risorse di cui ha bisogno per raggiungere il suo pieno potenziale. Non vediamo l'ora di vederla con la maglia Lidl-Trek e di assistere a ciò che può ottenere insieme alle nuove compagne di squadra»


English Version

 Lidl-Trek is thrilled to announce the signing of Niamh Fisher-Black, the fourth and final addition to the Women’s Team for the upcoming season. The 24-year-old New Zealander has signed a three-year deal that will see her race with the American outfit through 2027.

Fisher-Black turned professional in 2020 and, having adjusted to the European racing scene, quickly established herself as a rising star in the peloton. Her debut professional season saw her quickly win Gravel and Tar Femme, the only UCI road race in New Zealand, before scooping up the national road race championship. Since then, Fisher-Black has consistently demonstrated her potential, refining her skills alongside some of the sport’s top climbers. In 2022, she claimed the inaugural Under-23 road race World Championship in Wollongong, solidifying her status as one to watch.

Over the past four years, Fisher-Black has been instrumental in her team’s successes, consistently delivering as a key support rider. While excelling in this role, she has also achieved significant victories on her own. Among the highlights of her career are World Tour stage wins at the 2023 Tour de Suisse and an impressive triumph at this year’s Giro d’Italia. Additionally, Fisher-Black has already established herself as a formidable general classification contender, having finished in the top ten at the Giro d’Italia on four occasions.

Expressing her excitement about the move, Fisher-Black said, “Lidl-Trek have long been an attractive team to me, I admire their aggressive style of racing and professional approach. It’s been noticeable even from the outside; their commitment to their riders, rider development and keen plans for the future. In my first talks with the team I was quickly attracted by the innovative approach and the belief they had in their goals and how I would fit into that plan. It was also important for me that I could see myself fitting into the team and amongst the riders and staff they already have. My early interactions with the team were indeed really positive and I see a really strong combination of riders, which is really exciting, I am really keen to step into this squad.

“Of course the change will bring challenges in itself, but I am very motivated for what the next few years may bring and my move into Lidl-Trek colours.”

Speaking of her goals for the coming year with Lidl-Trek, she added, ”Firstly, next year I hope to find my feet quickly in the team environment and build good relationships with my teammates. Then the racing side is simple! I intend to play a key role in the team and their goals. While personally, I have felt a steady incline in my development the last few years and of course, like any athlete, I hope to see that improve more. I am eager to explore my potential in GC riding, perhaps starting with shorter stage races and progressing to the Grand Tour lengths. I am realistic that I have some work to do, but I am confident that Lidl-Trek will be able to provide the stable footing and supportive environment that I need to take these steps.

“I am very grateful to Lidl Trek in their belief in me as a rider, and I anticipate a really good few years to come.”

Team Manager Luca Guercilena added, “Niamh is a standout talent with a bright future ahead of her. We’ve been impressed by her development so far, and she is eager to continue on this upward trajectory. At Lidl-Trek, we are committed to providing her with the environment and resources she needs to reach her full potential. We’re looking forward to seeing her in the Lidl-Trek jersey and to witness what she can achieve alongside her new teammates.”


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