TEAMS | 21/02/2025 | 08:17
di Bibi Ajraghi

From the Cicli Drali headquarters on Via Palmieri in Milan, not far from Via Chiesa Rossa, where the Milan-Sanremo race started for years, Thursday evening marked the beginning of the 2025 season for the Rime Drali Under23 Team. Welcomed by Robert Carrara and the Cicli Drali staff, the ten riders comprising the Brescia-based team arrived in the Milanese capital accompanied by their coaches and team managers for a company visit and official team presentation.

At every step in the "Drali house", one perceives the history of a deeply rooted local reality, yet projected towards the future. "Cicli Drali was founded by Carlo Drali, who opened his workshop in this neighborhood (Stadera, ed.) in 1925. The business continued with his son Beppe, and now my partners (Gian Luca Pozzi and Andrea Camerana, ed.) and I work with pride to continue the Cicli Drali story, an extremely Milanese artisanal brand," Carrara declares. He then adds an anecdote: "At our first meeting, we immediately defined one thing: we would remain in this neighborhood. Here, many generations have grown up with Cicli Drali, getting to know the particularities of this artisanal brand."

An artisanal brand with an important history that the Rime Drali Team athletes will carry, as has happened for several seasons, with pride on the roads of Italy and beyond, starting from the first 2025 appointment that will see the riders directed by Gabriele Rampollo and Eddy Guardrini at the start of Coppa San Geo tomorrow.

The two coaches highlighted the main objective for the Brescia team: "We want to win, we're not hiding. The team is built to perform well, especially in sprint finish races, and that's where we want to be protagonists. The riders are very united and eager to race."

Claudio Marra, worldwide vice president of FSA & Vision, a leading industry company equipping Drali frames, was also present at the Rime Drali Team launch. "The collaboration with Cicli Drali began a few years ago and is growing. From this season, our company wanted to take an additional step – we have made available to the brand and team our groups, cranks, wheels, and handlebars. The same materials used to equip our World Tour teams like EF Education-EasyPost and Bahrain-Victorious. The athletes have top-level bicycles, and FSA Vision is proud to provide this support through Cicli Drali."

Marra also emphasized how the collaboration between FSA Vision, Cicli Drali, and Rime Drali Team develops on two tracks: "Our company provides products, but through the synergy with Cicli Drali and Rime Drali Team, we'll have the opportunity to understand how to continuously improve. The athletes will provide us with valuable insights from road cycling, which will integrate with the accurate tests we conduct in the laboratory." Concluding, Marra addressed the athletes and coaches, saying: "I wish you many successes and satisfactions."

The evening continued with the parade of the ten athletes who will wear the fluo jersey of the Rime Drali Team, who, at Eleonora Capelli's microphone, shared their emotions and revealed some of their objectives for the 2025 season.

In closing, Robert Carrara recalled that this year Cicli Drali will celebrate its centenary of foundation with a series of events, parties, and surprises for all enthusiasts: "We are working intensively; it will be a year of truly beautiful things." We can only wait to discover what is "brewing" at the headquarters on Via Palmieri.

RIME DRALI 2025 ROSTER – Christian Bramati, Tommaso Daniel, Gabriel De Fabriitis, Marco Guercilena, Francesco Lonardi, Giovanni Restelli, Andrea Rinaldi, Luca Rinaldi, Francesco Sangalli, Florian Zambianchi

Copyright © TBW
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