MERCATO | 09/10/2019 | 07:09

Ludwig De Winter e Thomas Degand hanno prolungato il loro contratto con Wanty-Gobert, rispettivamente per due anni e un anno. Ludwig De Winter commenta: «In questa stagione sono cresciuto nelle fila della Wanty-Gobert, quindi sono molto felice dell'opportunità di continuare questo percorso per altri due anni. Questa decisione del team dimostra che il mio lavoro nell'ombra è apprezzato. Ho acquisito una preziosa esperienza come gregario, aumentando costantemente il mio valore aggiunto per la squadra. Inoltre, come abitante di Binche, sono molto orgoglioso di rappresentare i colori del nostro sponsor principale Wanty! Spero di farlo ancora nelle classiche di primavera, che sono le mie gare preferite».

Thomas Degand a sua volta aggiunge: «Sono un corridore della Wanty-Gobert sin dall'inizio e sono cresciuto con il team. Grazie alla parentesi di World Tour con la IAM nel 2015, apprezzo ancora di più l'atmosfera familiar e ci sono buone possibilità che io finisca la mia carriera in questo team. Sono pronto a lavorare per i capitani e ad assumermi le responsabilità quando mi sarà richiesto».

Infine il manager Hilaire Van der Schueren: «Possiamo sempre contare su Ludwig De Winter, è sempre pronto a svolgere il suo compito. Sono molto soddisfatto del suo contributo alla squadra, quindi sono felice di dargli il benvenuto di nuovo in Wanty Gobert-Tormans per i prossimi due anni. Thomas Degand è un membro della famiglia Wanty-Gobert sin dall'inizio. Proprio come Ludwig De Winter, è un gregario perfetto. E ci aspettiamo che si prenda più responsabilità per diventare un capitano del team».


Ludwig De Winter and Thomas Degand extended their contract with Wanty-Gobert for two years and one year respectively.

De Winter, who will be celebrating his 27th birthday at the end of the year, plays a role as helper within Wanty-Gobert. The baroudeur showed himself in the spring in the early breakaway in Kuurne-Brussels-Kuurne and in the E3 BinckBank Classic. The inhabitant of Binche signed a contract with Wanty Gobert - Tormans until the end of 2021.

Also Degand, part of Wanty-Gobert since the start of the team, except for 2015, will be in the ranks of the Belgian formation next season. The 33-year-old won the Tour du Jura in 2017. This season, he finished in the top 20 in the general classification of the Tour du Limousin (13th) and of the Circuit de la Sarthe (17th). The inhabitant of Isières hopes at least to equal these results in 2020 with Wanty Gobert - Tormans.

Ludwig De Winter:
« This season I flourished in the hands of Wanty-Gobert, so I'm very happy to receive the opportunity to continue this evolution for two more years. This act of faith shows that my work in the shadow is appreciated. I grew as a rider during the season and gained valuable experience as a helper, which steadily increased my added value to the team. This two year extension is a fantastic reward! »

« Moreover, as an inhabitant of Binche, I'm very proud to represent the colours of our main sponsor Wanty! I hope to do this again in the spring classics next season, in order to show my baroudeur temperament in my favorite races! »

Thomas Degand:
« I'm a member of Wanty-Gobert since the start and grew with the team. Thanks to my interlude in the World Tour with IAM in 2015, I appreciate the familiar atmosphere even more. There's a good chance now that I'll finish my career in this habitat. So I'm happy to represent the colours of Wanty Gobert - Tormans for one more year. My role in the team changed gradually towards assisting Guillaume Martin. I like this role of team captain, but I'm also motivated to grab some chances to realize my personal ambitions next year. On to a good winter! » 
Hilaire Van der Schueren:
« We can always rely on Ludwig De Winter. No matter the demand, he's always ready to fulfill his task, to the extent possible. I'm very satisfied about his contribution to the team, so I'm happy to welcome him within Wanty Gobert-Tormans again for the next two years! »

« Thomas Degand is a member of the Wanty-Gobert familiy since the start. Just like Ludwig De Winter, he completes his tasks as a helper with verve. The amplitude of his tasks will become more important next year, because we expect him to take more responsibility in order to become a road captain. The bar will be raised a little higher, so I'm already looking forward to a new season with Thomas Degand. »
Copyright © TBW
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